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Defensive Handgun 1

Basic - An excellent class to practice/learn basic handgun fundamentals, draws, reloads, etc

Duration: 6 hours range time



Ryan Coe

Instructor Bio

Date Location Class Size Class Time Instructor Availability

There are no upcoming classes scheduled for this course.

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This course is designed for newer shooters who want to become more proficient and comfortbale with their handgun for defensive use.

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Topics Covered

Handgun fundamentals, marksmanship, draws, reloads, shot placement, malfunctions, target transitions, etc

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Expectations and Outcomes

You will have a better grasp of the fundamentals, and wil see accuracy increase while giving you the tools to practice at home

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Basic, Intermediate

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2 mags
Mag holder (we have plenty to borrow)
300 rounds ammo
ear and eye protection