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Advanced Carry Handgun Class w/ Force on Force

Intermediate - This class is for concealed carry holders who want to test themselves with speed, accuracy, and brain training

Duration: 8 hours range time



Ryan Coe

Instructor Bio

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This class will be our standard Advanced Carry Class, with the addition of some force on force scenarios to drill home points we teach within the class. Students will walk away with a more realistic concept of how to use a firearm in self-defense to better protect themselves.

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Topics Covered

Retention shooting
Self-Defense Scenarios
Shooting in crowds
Shooting using cover/concealment
Brain exercises

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Expectations and Outcomes

A better understanding of how to defend themselves and their loved ones with a concealed carry firearm

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Advanced, Intermediate, Active Shooter Response Training, Concealed Carry Training, Scenario Based Training

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Documentation Requirements


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500 rounds ammo
Concealed Holster
Extra magazine
Eye and Ear Protection