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P2: Protection Pistol Skills

Intermediate - If you carry a concealed handgun or plan to, this is the class for you.

Duration: 8 hours



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For novice to advanced shooters.  Not for first time shooters.
If you carry a concealed handgun or would like to, this class is for you.
Protection Principles lectures. Concealed Carry Principles.  Holsters.
Intensive Protection Marksmanship, gun handling and malfunctions, Concealed Draw, ready positions, and more.
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Topics Covered

Protection Principles
Intensive protection shooting fundamentals
Ready positions.
Concealed Carry principles
Concealed draw
Malfunction clearance.
Whole day curriculum, but now a limited number of 1/2 day (Am or Pm) seats available for those with schedule limitations.

Not for first-time shooters.

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Expectations and Outcomes

Students can expect to improve their protection marksmanship including delivery of multiple rapid hits to the vital centers, draw and reload from concealment, rapidly fix malfunctions, and utilize ready positions and verbal commands in critical situations.  

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Advanced, Intermediate, Concealed Carry Training, Seminars / Lectures

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Documentation Requirements

Goverment issued photo ID.  

The instructor requires a copy of your Government Issued ID once you register.

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Need quality handgun with 3 magazines or speed loaders/strips
250-300 rounds.
Quality leather or Kydex holster
Quality belt or enigma device
Concealment garment.
Eye and Ear Protection
Billed cap (required)
Lunch, Snacks, Drinks
Ability to follow firearms safety rules.