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New York State Conceal Carry Safety Course

Training While Is Hot!!! Prices are insane!!!!

Duration: 16 Hours course plus up to two hours at the range. First class in a ZOOM class and the second day is in house classroom time.



Frankie Burgos

Instructor Bio

Date Location Class Size Class Time Instructor Availability
Register Now March 15 Saturday
2 Day Class
1 - 20 Students 08:00 AM TO 5:00 PM Frankie Burgos Space Available
Register Now April 19 Saturday
2 Day Class
1 - 20 Students 08:00 AM TO 5:00 PM Frankie Burgos Space Available
Register Now May 17 Saturday
2 Day Class
1 - 20 Students 08:00 AM TO 5:00 PM Frankie Burgos Space Available
Register Now June 21 Saturday
2 Day Class
1 - 20 Students 08:00 AM TO 5:00 PM Frankie Burgos Space Available
Register Now July 19 Saturday
2 Day Class
1 - 20 Students 08:00 AM TO 5:00 PM Frankie Burgos Space Available
Register Now August 11 Monday
2 Day Class
2 - 10 Students 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Frankie Burgos Space Available target icon


  1. Use of Force Article - 35
  2. Penal Law 265.45 Safe Storage
  3. Penal Law 265.50 Criminal Manufacture, Sale or Transport of and Undetectabel Firearm
  4. Suicide Intervention
  5. Four Universal Safety Rules
  6. Why is Alcohol Considered a Drug
  7. Developing a Personal and Home Protection Plan
  8. Self-Defense Firearm Basics for Conceal Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals
  9. Defensive Shooting Funamentals
  10. Violent Encounters and Their Aftermaths
  11. Proper Gear and Gadgets
  12. Basic and Advanced Skills
  13. Written Test
  14. Range Qualification Course

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Topics Covered

  1. Use of Force Article - 35
  2. Penal Law 265.45 Safe Storage
  3. Penal Law 265.50 Criminal Manufacture, Sale or Transport of and Undetectabel Firearm
  4. Suicide Intervention
  5. Four Universal Safety Rules
  6. Why is Alcohol Considered a Drug
  7. Developing a Personal and Home Protection Plan
  8. Self-Defense Firearm Basics for Conceal Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals
  9. Defensive Shooting Funamentals
  10. Violent Encounters and Their Aftermaths
  11. Proper Gear and Gadgets
  12. Basic and Advanced Skills
  13. Written Test
  14. Range Qualification Course

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Expectations and Outcomes

Having attended and successfully completed the required Firearm Safety course a certificate of completion will be awarded to the student (s) which includes a memorandum of the course syllabus.

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Concealed Carry License, NRA Courses, Online Courses, USCCA Courses

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Documentation Requirements


Please provide your full name, address, DOB, Telephone number and your email address to:
Login to:  

Once I recieve your information I will provide you with the login and password information for the class.

The instructor requires a copy of your Government Issued ID once you register.

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Safety equipment is required for this course:

  • Eyes Protection
  • Ears Protection
  • No open shoes, sandals are allowed in the range.