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Basic CQB (Close Quarter Combatives)

Intermediate - This 4 hour course will utilize a large building to learn the basics of CQB with a handgun and carbine. Basic room clearing, weapon retention, low light environment, and other topics will be covered.

Duration: 4 Hours classroom and practical application



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Hard Target Solutions is hosting a Basic Close Quarters Battle class.  This Comprehensive 4 hour class is for any firearms owner looking to develop ways to protect their home and family. Anyone who wants to grow their tactical knowledge and experience. 

Classroom topics include:

·       Safe handling

·       Fundamentals of room clearing

·       Dual clearing tactics

·       Human factor and behavior

·       Environmental factors

·       Rifle vs. Handgun

·       Offensive and defensive tactics

·       Terminal ballistics


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Topics Covered

Classroom topics include:

·       Safe handling

·       Fundamentals of room clearing

·       Dual clearing tactics

·       Human factor and behavior

·       Environmental factors

·       Rifle vs. Handgun

·       Offensive and defensive tactics

·       Terminal ballistics

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Intermediate, Combatives / Less Lethal, Rifle, Scenario Based Training, Seminars / Lectures

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Documentation Requirements

The instructor requires a copy of your Government Issued ID once you register.

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Handgun w/ holster(NO LIVE AMMO)
Carbine (NO LIVE AMMO) (One will be provided if you do not own one)

Bring if you have:
Extra magazines (handgun and carbine)
Flashlight (handheld or weapon mounted)
Gun belt
The willingness to learn new skills!

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