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4WBW Special - Basic 101 & AZCCW Course

Basic - Fully Loaded or B.Y.O.P. - Basic 101 Firearm Training (Pistol) @ AZCCW Permit Course

Duration: Class & Range time = 5+ hours



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I start you off  slow and guide you through all of the mechanics of shooting a firearm. You’ll learn about the types of firearms, parts of the firearm, sights, malfunctions, muscle memory, and many more training techniques.  With AZCCW (AZ A.R.S) Rulse & Regulations on carrying a concealed firearm.
Hands on classroom training before we move to the range for your live fire training and qualifiation.

Brign our Own Pistol $ 
Fuly Loaded  (all-inclusive) $ 

Saturday or Sunday - all day Classroom & Range training.

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Topics Covered

Basic Marksmanship Skils:

  • Sight alignment & Sight picture
  • Proper Grip & Trigger Control
  • Stance & Follow Through
  • Mafunctions
  • Rangebag & tools
  • Arizona Revised Statues 13-3112
  • Conceal & Carry, what pistol to choose
  • Personal Protect In & Out of the home
  • Mindset

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Expectations and Outcomes

The student will accomplished the basic foundation of Marksmanship Skills.  AZCCW Rules and Regulations (A.R.S) for Conceal & Carry, Personal Protection and Mindset in and out of the home.

Completion Certificates:

  • Basic 101 Certificate after passing NRA exam
  • AZCCW Certificate after Range Qualifications

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Basic, Intermediate, Concealed Carry Training, NRA Courses, Private Classes (Group / Individual), Women's Only Courses

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Documentation Requirements

Course Requirements:

  • Arizona Resident, United States Citizen
  • Permdent Alien Resident Card (include with application).
  • 21 years or 19 with Honorable Military Discharge
  • Is not under indictment for and has not been convicted in any jurisdiction of a felony unless that conviction has been expunged, set aside or vacated or the applicant’s rights have been restored and the applicant is currently not a prohibited possessor under state or federal law. Restoration will be needed to include with application.
  • Does not suffer from mental illness and has not been adjudicated mentally incompetent or committed to a mental institution.
  • Is not unlawfully present in the United States.
  • Not a Medical Marijuana Card Holder

The instructor requires a copy of your Government Issued ID once you register.

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What to Bring:

  • Beverage/Lunch - eat in or go ou
  • $30.00 Range fee
  • All-inclusive (I supply 22mm pistol rental & ammo)
  • B.Y.O.P = Bring Your Own Pistol & Ammo

*Sign Shooter's World Waiver * before course begins.


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