Accelerated Defensive Training, LLC
Joseph Compnotta III
BACKGROUND: Civilian, Former Law Enforcement, Instructor
10 Years Instructing
PH: 702 518 7695
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About Accelerated Defensive Training, LLC
We are taking a new approach to the way firearms instruction is brought to the many people who need quality training, without the high prices. We, as a company, have entered this business not to get rich or create some clothing line, branded accessories, or gimmicks that attract you to buy our services.
We are here to:
1. Protect
2. Teach others how to protect
3. Teach others how to successfully come through, legally, one of the most traumatic life events anyone must face - that being, defending oneself and ones' family.
Make no mistake, we are selfish, in that we want to become better instructors and protectors ourselves. We get this by imparting our knowledge and dedication to YOU.... Thank You and Thanks for choosing Accelerated Defensive Training, LLC. #adtlv
Courses Taught
Concealed Carry Training, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, NRA Courses, In Home Defense Training, Scenario Based Training, Women's Only Courses, Combatives / Less Lethal, Range Safety Officer
NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Instructor
NRA Cheif Range Safety Officer
NRA Personal Protection in The Home Instructor
NRA Personal Protection Outside The Home Instructor
NRA CCW Instructor
NRA Refuse to Be a Victim Instructor
ASP Tactical Baton Insturctor
ASP Tactical Handcuff Instructor
Nevada/Clark County CCW Insturctor