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Tactical Rifle/Pistol 102 Combo Course

Intermediate - A great intermediate/advanced course to practive utilizing both your primary and seconday

Duration: 8 hours range time



Ryan Coe

Instructor Bio

Date Location Class Size Class Time Instructor Availability

There are no upcoming classes scheduled for this course.

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This class will consist of a 2.5 hour pistol 102 training block, a 2.5 hour rifle 102 block, a 30 minute lunch, and a 2.5 hour combination block working transitions

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Topics Covered

Handgun 102 fundamentals (2.5 hours)
Rifle 102 fundamentals (2.5 hours)
Pistol/Rifle Transitions
Pistol/Rifle Throttle Control
Pistol/Rifle Malfunctions

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Expectations and Outcomes

The student should learn how to transition more effectively, when to switch to a secondary, getting the primary back in action, and should still learn and practice solid handgun/rifle fundamentals.

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Advanced, Intermediate, Rifle

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Rifle w/ sling
Handgun w/ holster
2 extra mags per weapon
250 rounds of rifle ammo
250 rounds pistol ammo
Outdoor clothes
Mag holders (we have extras to borrow)
Ear and eye protection
Lunch, snacks, and water