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Vehicle Defensive Tactics- Rifle/Pistol

Intermediate - This class will cover how to deploy and utilize your rifle and pistol in and around your vehicle

Duration: 8 hours range time



Ryan Coe

Instructor Bio

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This class will cover how to use a handgun and rifle inside and around a vehicle. We will look at what parts of the vehicle are cover vs concealment, how to maeuver and use the vehicle for concealment and cover, shoot through windshields, and more

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Topics Covered

Vehicle cover and concealment
Windshields and their effects on ballistics
Shooting in and around vehicles
Reloads in and around vehicles
Deploying weapons from vehicles
Much much more

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Expectations and Outcomes

The student is expected to have a much more profound understanding on how to shoot in and around vehicles

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Advanced, Intermediate, LEO / MIL / SEC Courses, Rifle, Scenario Based Training, Seminars / Lectures

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Prior formal rifle/pistol training
Rifle w/ sling
Handgun w/ holster
250 rounds rifle
250 rounds handgun
Mag holders (we have extras to borrow)
2 extra mags per weapon
Outdoor clothes
Ear and eye protection