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Concealed Carry and Home Defense

Basic - Informative training designed to ensure law abiding citizens can protect themselves and their community.

Duration: 3 hours



Levi Plumley

Instructor Bio

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USCCA course designed to cover the need-to-know information for any citizen looking to obtain or maintain a Concealed Carry Permit

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Topics Covered

  • Legal Use of Force to protect self and property
  • Basics of Firearms
  • Basics of shooting fundamentals
  • Equipment training (holsters, flashlights, etc)
  • Situational awareness

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Expectations and Outcomes

Students are expected to, at the best of their ability, be able to retain important and pertinent information. Will be provided with a USCCA textbook at the conclusion of class.

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Basic, Concealed Carry Training, USCCA Courses

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  • An UNLOADED firearm(s) of your choosing.
  • Notebook and Pen
  • Lunch