Critical Defense Group
Mac Mackinzie
BACKGROUND: Former Military, Instructor, Gov’t Employee / Contractor
30 Years Instructing
PH: 903-486-2885
Available Courses
Next Class | Course | Type | Difficulty |
No Upcoming Classes Contact Instructor |
2 Gun Shooting & Moving Course First Course is 50% off |
Intermediate, Advanced, Rifle, Scenario Based Training, Specialty Other | Intermediate |
No Upcoming Classes Contact Instructor |
Active Shooter Critical Handgun Course First Course is 50% off |
Basic, Active Shooter Response Training, Church / Business - Safety / Security, Medical Other | Basic |
No Upcoming Classes Contact Instructor |
Critical Carbine AR-15 Course First Course is 50% off |
Basic, Intermediate | Basic |
No Upcoming Classes Contact Instructor |
Critical Handgun Level 1 First Course is 50% off |
Basic, Intermediate | Basic |
No Upcoming Classes Contact Instructor |
Critical Shotgun First Course is 50% off |
Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Shotgun, Active Shooter Response Training, In Home Defense Training, Church / Business - Safety / Security | Basic |
About Critical Defense Group
Eric "Mac" Mackinzie is a proud U.S. Marine Corps veteran and an experienced Instructor and Personal Protection Specialist with over 25 years of experience. International and domestic experience on various protective security details as a detail member and or detail leader. Fluent level 3 Spanish speaker capable of reading, writing, and instructing in Spanish. Instructor and management experience training hundreds of personnel from various military, security, government and law enforcement agencies worldwide. Employed with Triple Canopy from 2005 to 2015 with 4 of those years in the Middle East as a high threat protection specialist with the Department of State and 6 years with the training division at the Joint Emergency Service Training Center and ACADEMI.
Mac is also on the ERG (Emergency Response Group) leadership team that is responsible for the safety of the entire church congregation at Family Fellowship in Greenville, Texas. Along with a volunteer staff of over 48 personnel, his team is responsible for training, supervising, and protecting all attendees during events and services with over 60% of the volunteer team armed to our standards.
Who is Triple Canopy?
Triple Canopy, Inc., is a private government contractor that provides integrated security, mission support, and risk management services to corporate, government, and non-profit clients including the Department of State High Threat Protection Division through the World Personal Protection Services program with most of there services in the Middle East. The firm was founded in May 2003 by veteran U.S. Army Special Forces Soldiers, including former Delta Operators. In June 2014 the firm merged with rival security contracting firm, Academi, formerly Blackwater, thus forming the new company Constellis Group. The training facilities are to be consolidated at the existing Academi training facility in North Carolina. It was staffed by, among others, a number of former Army Special Operations personnel, Special Forces Soldiers, Rangers, SEALs, MARSOC Critical Skills Operators, other special operations personnel, and a select few law enforcement officers.
Courses Taught
Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Rifle, Shotgun, Active Shooter Response Training, Church / Business - Safety / Security, Scenario Based Training, Women's Only Courses, Private Classes (Group / Individual), LEO / MIL / SEC Courses, Classes offered in SPANISH, Stop the Bleed, CPR / AED (First Aid for Lay Rescuers), Tactical Casualty Care (TCCC / TECC), Specialty Other
Texas DPS School Safety Instructor Certification Course
Texas Commission of PSB Level 2, 3 & Personal Protection Officer Certification
Texas DPS CHL Instructor Certification
- WPPS DOS DSTC Defensive Tactics and Room Entry Techniques
WPPS DOS Certification M-4, G-19, 870, M-240, M-249 & M203, Triple Canopy, Inc
- WPPS DOS Train the Trainer Instructor Certification Course, Triple Canopy, Inc
WPPS DOS Personal Protective Services Certification Course, Triple Canopy, Inc
Motorcade Defensive Driving Course, Bill Scott Racing
California Carry Concealed Certification Course, Riverside County Sheriff
Protective Specialist Security & Selection Course, Triple Canopy, Inc
Defensive Driving Course, Beaver Run Racing School
Level 4 Hand Gun & Advanced Weapons Skills, Direct Action Group
Instructor Course for Immediate Contact, Force on Force, Direct Action Group
Instructor Course for Overseas Operator, Direct Action Group
High-Risk Warrant, CQB & Entry Course, Tactical Explosive Entry School
Instructor Development Weapons Course, Tactical Firearms Training Team
Explosive Handlers & Entry Course, Tactical Explosive Entry School
Firearms Initial Qualification Course, Bureau of Security Services
PR 24 Baton Basic & Advanced Course, Bureau of Security Services
Powers to Arrest & Lethal Use of Force, Bureau of Security Services
Two Man Team Tactics, Tactical Firearms Training Team
VIP Protection Course Level 1 & 2, Tactical Firearms Training Team
Combat Shotgun & Optical Rifle, Tactical Firearms Training Team
Advanced Weapons Skills & Tactical Rifle, Tactical Firearms Training Team
Level 1,2,3 Handgun, Tactical Firearms Training Team
Glock Armors School, Glock, Inc
U.S. Army Airborne School, U.S. Army
USMC & USMCR Veteran 1st & 3rd ANGLICO 1988-1996
Cancellation Policy
f you have reason to believe you cannot attend a scheduled course, you must notify us in writing via email within 72 hours of the course training date. There are no refunds on your payment period. However, if you notify us within 72 hours, we may transfer your payment as a credit to a future class if there is space available and upon approval from the training director only. If you fail to notify us within the 72-hour period via email, you will lose your payment. No refunds!!! Please make a note
Reschedule Policy
Critical Defense Group reserves the right to cancel any scheduled course at any time with reasonable notice given to all students via email. If a course is canceled, your payment will be applied to any future course as a credit. In the event of a cancellation, Critical Defense Group is not responsible for non-refundable airfares, other airfare penalties, or any other travel or lodging expenses you may incur. For any questions or concerns, please email us at info@criticaldefensegroup.com .
Refund Policy
I understand a full non-refundable payment per applicant must be made in advance in order to hold a reservation after submitting this training application. Failure to submit my payment will not guarantee me a slot until it has been approved. I also understand that all training sales are final and there are NO REFUNDS PERIOD once my application has been approved. If I cancel or fail to complete a class, there are no refunds period. I also understand that Critical Defense Group could cancel or reschedule any classes as needed due to weather or training conflicts and my payment will be applied to a future rescheduled course (N/A when course is free or if using a voucher).
Other Policy
I hereby state that I am not a convicted felon, or otherwise forbidden by law to own, possess, or train with firearms. I further agree to sign a waiver releasing Macster Enterprises, LLC, dba Critical Defense Group, from any responsibility for injury that may be sustained during the training course or during travel to and from the training area. I understand that my solicitation for training from Critical Defense Group is for personal security and firearms safety purposes and none of the techniques taught will be used for illegal or unethical purposes.
I agree to abide by all safety standards set forth by Critical Defense Group and its instructors. I understand that safety during all training is of paramount importance and that a trainee’s instruction may be terminated at any time if his or her safety standards are not deemed satisfactory by any of the Critical Defense Group staff during any portion of the training course.
I understand once my application has been accepted I will receive a registration confirmation and special instructions that I will be required to read and follow prior to attending the class. Regardless of my background or occupation, I understand there are no loaded weapons allowed in the classroom area and I will store and secure my weapons in my vehicle as required and requested. I also understand I must follow all rules and regulations on the facility and will be required to leave the facility with all my firearms unloaded regardless of my occupation or position.
I understand it is my responsibility to bring all the required equipment for the specific class I am registered for. Failure to bring all the required equipment could result in failure to complete the class as needed. All equipment requirements are clearly stated on the website page for each pertaining course and or will be emailed to each student prior to the scheduled course date. If I fail to bring the required equipment, the CDG staff may have equipment available to use for a rental fee subject to payment at the end of the course.
In consideration for the privilege of participating in any activity or training session of Critical Defense Group and in recognition that such participation involves certain inherent risk, do hereby agree to assume the recognized risk of such participation.
A. I am aware, that live fire weapons training and instruction are inherently dangerous activities, and that I am voluntarily participating in these activities with the knowledge of the dangers involved, I hereby agree to accept any and all risks of injury or death.
B. I further understand that by signing this document I hereby waive and release forever any and all claims that I have or may ever have against Macster Enterprises, Inc dba Critical Defense Group, and their members, managers, officers, employees and agents, and Eric Mackinzie, their personal representatives, heirs and assigns or any acting Critical Defense Group instructors (hereinafter collectively referred to as Critical Defense Group) from any liability for personal injury, property damage, wrongful death, losses, liabilities, claims, suits, demands and or causes of action arising from my participation in weapon training activities that I wish to participate in and for any other elements associated with this program including but not limited to magazine publications, gun shops or martial arts dojos.
C. I understand that for live fire weapon training to be of value, it must reflect reality within the bounds of common sense and safety. I understand that the training may include drawing my weapon from a holster, stationary and moving turns from the left, right and rear, shooting from the prone and kneeling positions, shooting on the move, and shooting inside of a specially constructed shoot house. I further understand that these drills may be performed under a certain amount of stress. The use of these drills and tactics during training can result in injuries to participants. These injuries can include but are not limited to sprains, cuts, bruises, gunshot wounds, hearing damage, eye injuries and unconsciousness.
D. I understand that tactical shooting on steel and wooden targets can result in fragments of bullets ricocheting back at the shooter, and that all shooters and spectators are required to wear protective gear in the form of goggles or safety glasses, ear protection, and solid footwear. Furthermore, I understand that any ammunition that I may purchase from the instructors either factory hardball, lead reloads or shotgun buckshot / birdshot, I do so under my own choosing and I will not hold them responsible for any accidents, losses, injuries or claim resulting from any such ammunition defective or otherwise, either to my person or my firearm.
E. I understand that I may refuse to participate in any training that I feel is unsafe or beyond my personal ability. All participants will serve as safety officers and may stop training at any time if they deem the activity unsafe or if they see a potentially dangerous activity about to occur. I hereby state that any weapons that I bring, borrow or rent are in a safe, workable condition and that I fully understand how they operate. I will not hold the company or instructors responsible for any injuries, malfunctions or damage to the weapons, myself or fellow students that may occur.
F. I agree for myself and my heirs and legal representatives to indemnify Critical Defense Group against, and to save Critical Defense Group harmless from any and all damages, actions, causes of action, claims, judgements, costs of litigation, attorney’s fees which may in any way result from participation in any event, training session, use of facilities or equipment of Critical Defense Group.
G. Furthermore, I state that I am not under the influence of drugs or alcohol, am not being treated for any mental disorder, am not a convicted felon or otherwise forbidden by law to own, possess, or train with firearms.
H. Occasionally we enjoy taking photos or videos and post them on our website, our face book page or use them during media presentations at local gun shows. No names or identities are ever used. Do we have your permission to take photos that may involve you during training and post them.
I. I understand that all training sales are final. If I fail to attend or complete any registered class I understand there are no refunds and that my payment may be applied to a future class if there are available slots.
J. I have read this form and I fully understand that weapons training is an inherently dangerous activity and I agree to all of the terms of this agreement as stated herein