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Real Estate Agent Safety Mini-Class

Basic - An opportunity to learn key defensive skills, apps and situational awareness concepts to keep you and your clients safe.

Duration: 1.5hrs



Dedric Davis

Instructor Bio

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Developing a personal & home protection plan is a key component of not only preparing for how we should (or might) react if confronted by a violent crime, but also how we might avoid violent crime in the first place. Within this lesson, Michael Martin explains that developing a protection plan is about much more than becoming proficient with a firearm or writing up a home invasion plan. It’s a plan that must encompass awareness, avoidance, and preparation, so that we’re less likely to find ourselves in a situation where we have no other option than to use our firearm, rather than more likely.

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Expectations and Outcomes

Developing a personal & home protection plan is a key component of not only preparing for how we should (or might) react if confronted by a violent crime, but also how we might avoid violent crime in the first place. Within this lesson, Michael Martin explains that developing a protection plan is about much more than becoming proficient with a firearm or writing up a home invasion plan. It’s a plan that must encompass awareness, avoidance, and preparation, so that we’re less likely to find ourselves in a situation where we have no other option than to use our firearm, rather than more likely.

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Basic, Church / Business - Safety / Security, Scenario Based Training (Simunitions, Man Marking Cartridge)

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