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Force-on-Force Instructor

Intermediate - Design and safely run force-on-force training using training projectile weapons

Duration: 7 hours classroom



Date Location Class Size Class Time Instructor Availability
Register Now September 27 Friday
2 - 8 Students 8a-3p Karl Rehn Space Available target icon


This course trains instructors to design and safely run force-on-force training using training projectile weapons (Airsoft, Simunition, UTM, etc.).

Trainees that want the full course should also enroll in the AT-2 scenarios course.

Sessions of this course offered on the road will have additional range fees paid directly to course host.

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Topics Covered

Force-on-force training concepts, safety issues, equipment, developing roleplaying skills, scenario design and evaluation, use of training projectile guns for marksmanship training, integration of training guns with unarmed force-on-force training.

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Expectations and Outcomes

This course is intended to teach pistol shooters and pistol instructors how to design and safely run Airsoft-based force-on-force training events similar to the force on force courses KR Training offers.

To get the full training experience, instructor trainees need to enroll in the AT-2 course, to gain experience working as a roleplayer and scenario conductor, in addition to seeing the course from a student perspective.

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Advanced, Intermediate, Scenario Based Training, Scenario Based Training (Simunitions, Man Marking Cartridge)

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Required Equipment: none.

Optional Equipment: A holster suitable for a Glock or 1911 handgun is useful. If you own your own Airsoft, UTM, Simunition or other FOF gun(s) or safety gear, bring it. See the general policies page for suggestions on food, drink, clothing, etc.