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School & Church Safety

Texas' official course to train armed teachers under the Guardian Program

Duration: 16 hours



Date Location Class Size Class Time Instructor Availability
Register Now February 5 Wednesday
2 Day Class
1 - 12 Students 9a-5p Karl Rehn Space Available target icon


This is the 16 hour School Safety course developed by the Texas Department of Public Safety specifically to train armed teachers to carry in schools under the Guardian Program.

This class is also highly recommended for church security personnel, as it teaches skills far beyond the License To Carry Handgun course, and topics extremely relevant to protection of groups of unarmed individuals against active shooter attack.

The KR Training version of this course also includes firing three additional qualification courses of fire: the NRA CCW test, the police officer qualification test for a major Texas city, and the FBI agent shooting test.  Those that pass any or all of these additional shooting tests will have that noted on their course certificate, as demonstration of shooting proficiency beyond the state of Texas minimum.

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Active Shooter Response Training, Church / Business - Safety / Security

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Documentation Requirements

Per state of Texas requirements, students in this course must already have their Texas License To Carry Handgun permit. 

The instructor requires a copy of your Concealed Carry Weapons permit once you register.