Basic of Shotgun Shooting
Basic - This course is designed for beginner shooters
Duration: 10 hours plus range
Date | Availability |
There are no upcoming classes scheduled for this course.
A beginner shooter, having completed at least one formal training session, knows the safe handling of firearms and can accurately discharge single shots from the ready position with confidence. New shooters are welcome and encouraged to participate in this course, although it may present challenges.
Imparts the fundamental knowledge, skills, and mindset required for the safe and correct handling of a shotgun when targeting moving objects.
The course spans eight to ten hours and comprises both classroom instruction and range time, focusing on the use of shotguns for shooting at moving or stationary targets as a means of self-defense.
Topics Covered
Students learn NRA’s rules for safe gun handling; shotgun parts and operation; shotgun shell components; shotgun shell malfunctions; shooting fundamentals; range rules; shooting at straight away and angled targets; cleaning; and continued opportunities for skill development.
Expectations and Outcomes
Basic Shotgun Course Completion Certificate
Basic, NRA Courses, Shotgun
Prerequiste: NONE
If owned, student can bring their shotgun for training and at least 15 rounds of shotgun shells for range.