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Multi-State Carry Class

Basic - "With great power comes great responsibility"

Duration: 4 hrs Classroom/3 hrs range time



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You'll have a blast and learn a ton while getting your training for your permit in 34-39 states! Don't need a permit anymore? That's awesome! But you DO NEED TO KNOW the state and federal laws, understand legal use of force and dispel all the misconceptions that are out there about what you can and can't do while you carry! Invest in quality training now to save you from troubles later.
This class isn't a boring old lecture... our instructors make your time with us an open discussion so you get the most out of your experience!
**Iowa Residents only need the classroom portion: $50 (add MN for another $50- includes the range time) 9:00am- 12:30pm classroom only.
** SD-Enhanced, Nebraska and MN-non residents: $100. (Includes required range time AND classroom) 9:00am - 4:00pm
** Don't have equipment or ammo? Let us know...we've got it for you to use!**
Also get your AZ training for no additional fee!

Check out our "about" section on our website, in order to see why our instructors are easily the most qualified in the area! 

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Topics Covered

Fundamentals of safety and marksmanship.
Situational awareness and de-escalation.
Use of force, understanding your state and federal laws.
Gear and gun selection...what works and what doesn't...and WHY! 
What to do after the incident.
Video break downs of caught on camera personal defense situations. 
Open Vs Concealed Carry
And so much more! 

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Expectations and Outcomes

You won't leave here being John Wick...but you will leave with a solid understanding of the fundamentals of safety and marksmanship...which is what has to be mastered first anyway! 
You'll understand the magnitude of carrying a firearm in public places and know the majority of the laws pertaining to carrying in your state and the federal laws that would affect you as well!

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Advanced, Basic, Intermediate, Church / Business - Safety / Security, Concealed Carry Training, NRA Courses, Private Classes (Group / Individual), Security Training & Certification, USCCA Courses

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Documentation Requirements

Bring your photo ID with you please! 

The instructor requires a copy of your Government Issued ID once you register.

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Iowa is not required to do the range portion...but it's a great idea! We teach the most up to date principles of safety, marksmanship and defensive pistol tactics. Taught by instructors who deal with personal safety on a regular basis! 

Bring your handgun, quality holster, 50-100 rounds (state dependent), ear and eye protection and a belt! 

Don't have all that stuff? We can hook you up! Let us know if you need to borrow something!