Joel Steele
Steele Precision Shooting LLC logo

Steele Precision Shooting LLC

Joel Steele

BACKGROUND: Civilian, Former Military, Former Law Enforcement, Instructor

13 Years Instructing

PH: 940 704 7253

Available Courses

Next Class Course Type Difficulty
Next class: Mar 7
See Classes
Introduction to Precision Rifle Class (1 Day)
For persons without any prior experience…
Basic, Intermediate, Rifle, NRA Courses, In Home Defense Training, Scenario Based Training, Women's Only Courses, Specialty Other, Long Range Precision, Seminars / Lectures, Private Classes (Group / Individual), Church / Business - Safety / Security, Steel / Rimfire Challenge, PRS / NRL (Precision Rifle Competition), Benchrest, Shooting Sports Other, Medical Other, Prepping and Survival Skills Basic
Next class: Mar 8
See Classes
Long Range Basic Course (2 Day)
For shooters with some rifle knowledge a…
Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Rifle, NRA Courses, Scenario Based Training, Women's Only Courses, Specialty Other, Long Range Precision, Seminars / Lectures, Private Classes (Group / Individual), Church / Business - Safety / Security, Steel / Rimfire Challenge, PRS / NRL (Precision Rifle Competition), Benchrest, Shooting Sports Other, Medical Other, Prepping and Survival Skills, Constitutional / Permitless Carry Basic target icon

About Steele Precision Shooting LLC

The owner and Primary Instructor for Steele Precision Shooting LLC is Joel Steele.  He currently maintains NRA Rifle, Pistol, and Personal Protection Instructor qualifications. 

Joel served 5 years as an FBI Special Agent, as well as a SWAT Operator and Sniper.  With specialized training across a large spectrum of Law Enforcement and SWAT skills, Joel chose to focus on the Sniper Program.  Following Advanced Sniper qualifications, Joel instructed the TCOLE 3324 Sniper curriculum in Texas for over a dozen jurisdictions, on multiple occassions. 

Prior the FBI, Joel instructed the NRA's Pistol and Personal Protection curriculums for two years, alongside private security work.

Joel served 8 years in the US Marine Corps, with training and deployment experience across a broad spectrum of combat arms operations, in Command and Advisor roles.  Along with multiple Instructor ratings in the Martial Arts and Foreign Weapons Programs, Joel competed in several competitive shooting styles, including those now associated with PRS/NRL, and maintained Expert qualifications across the rifle and pistol platforms.

Joel grew up competing in shooting sports, such as 4H Rimfire and 300m Benchrest, along with being a lifelong hunter across the many terrains of Texas.  He has experience as a hunting guide and has a passion for applying technical long range shooting and Sniper skills to hunting scenarios and situations, while working with both Adult and Youth shooters.

There are several top-notch locations with replete instructor groups across the US, who focus on long range shooting.  While truly excellent, and Joel has trained at more than a few of them, they can be expensive and intimidating.  The range supporting Steele Precision Shooting LLC is neither a golf course nor a luxury resort.  It has everything you need to train and few other frills.  It is a precision rifle only venue, but supports up through .50 caliber of that type.  There are no investors and no members vying for lane time. It is private, away from public view/access, fully insured, and all class sizes are held to small capacity.  It was designed this way intentionally, so top quality instruction could be offered at an extremely reasonable price point, with a high emphasis on quality control. 

Our target group is those on the newer to intermediate shooter level.  Newly created in 2023, Steele Precision Shooting LLC is already working on venue expansion for UKD ranges, NRL Hunter type shooting lanes, and expanded target arrays for future course expansion.

Courses Taught

Basic, Rifle, Long Range Precision, NRA Courses, Scenario Based Training, Private Classes (Group / Individual), LEO / MIL / SEC Courses, Steel / Rimfire Challenge, PRS / NRL (Precision Rifle Competition), Benchrest, Shooting Sports Other

Class Instructors

Daniel Davis

Daniel Davis certification icon


NRA Rifle, Pistol, and Personal Protection Instructor cancellation policy icon


Cancellation Policy

Students may cancel up to 10 days before a full 2.5 day course or 7 days before a 1 day course and receive full reimbursement, minus a flat $35 administrative and processing fee.  Cancellations after those timeframes will have the option to roll the course once to a future available date.  If the student must reschedule or cancel a second time, no reimbursement will be given, and any future scheduling will be considered a new transaction.

Reschedule Policy

Steele Precision Shooting LLC makes every effort to hold classes rain or shine.  If there are unforseen circumstances or weather that would put the students and instructors at risk, rescheduling options will be presented to each student.

Refund Policy

Students may cancel up to 10 days before a full 2.5 day course or 7 days before a 1 day course and receive full reimbursement, minus a flat $35 administrative and processing fee. No-shows will not receive reimbursement or the option to reschedule. waiver icon


Prior to any courses commencing, students will receive and sign/initial the following:

Waiver of and Release of Liability


I acknowledge and understand that shooting activities are inherently hazardous and involve both known and unanticipated risks which could result in damage or destruction of property and physical or emotional injury, including paralysis or death, of myself or of other persons.  These risks include but are not limited to:  being shot by or shooting myself or others; partial or total loss of eyesight or hearing; inhalation or other harmful contact with lead or other contaminants; and being struck by flying or falling objects.


I further understand and accept all risk of discharging or being around the discharging of firearms and that the use of ammunition has inherent dangers that no amount of care, instruction, or expertise can eliminate.  I agree to assume full responsibility for any and all risks, injuries, or damages, known or unknown, of any kind and nature, which I might incur as a result of entering on to the range and in using range facilities or equipment and in engaging in or observing shooting and other activities at the range.


Initial:  __________


I accept all responsibility and liability for any acts, be they negligent, reckless, or criminal acts or omission to act, of My Guests at the range.  I understand that “My Guests” includes any and all persons who enter the range property, use the range facilities, or engage in or observe shooting and other activities, such as training, at the range as a result of my express invitation, permission, or consent.


I understand that the range is an outdoor shooting facility which utilizes dirt berms, rubber pieces, and armored steel to contain expended ammunition.  I understand that in rare circumstances, bullets or bullet fragments can ricochet and could cause serious personal injury or death.


I understand that wildlife, including potentially poisonous reptiles and insects, may be present and that I must exercise caution and accept personal responsibility for my actions while on the range.  Additionally the range is on a working ranch, where cattle, goats, wild animals such as deer and hogs, and other animals are likely present and that I must exercise caution and accept personal responsibility for my actions while on the range.  Further, trails, roads, shooting platforms, and other terrain on the range may be rocky or unstable and that I must exercise caution and accept personal responsibility for my actions while using or traversing them.


I understand that the range makes no warranty as to the design, manufacture, condition, or fitness of the shooting range, facilities, or equipment, including but not limited to:  barriers, firing line platforms, target posts, target stands, target hangers, armored targets, berms, range roads, firearms, ammunition, eye or hearing protection, and first-aid supplies.


Initial:  __________


I hereby affirm that I am experienced and skilled in the proper handling, loading, use and discharge of all firearms and ammunition, or I will participate in the appropriate firearms training course offered at the range.


I understand that the range is specifically relying on the truth of my representations concerning my experience with firearms, in permitting me to make use of the range.


I agree that this waiver of liability, and any future amendments, modifications, or other changes, shall remain in full force and effect from the date of execution and shall be applicable to each and every course or range visit thereafter, whether or not I sign a new waiver or update my information.


Initial:  __________


I agree to accept financial responsibility for the repair of equipment that I rent, borrow, or use that is owned by the range or Instructors, in the event that damages were caused by me or My Guests, whether or not the damages were accidental or purposeful.


I knowingly, voluntarily, and forever waive, release, indemnify, and hold harmless, any and all claims I, my next of kin, heirs, guardians, representatives, assigns, or any other person claiming under me completely, and/or any third-party, and without reservation that I may have against the range, Steele Precision Shooting LLC, Joel Steele, Steele Ranch, its agents, Safety Officers, owners, proprietors, employees, Instructors, volunteers, or representatives from any and all injuries or damages that I may sustain as a result of me entering the range property, using the range facilities or equipment, conducting a prescribed training course, or engaging in or observing shooting range activities.


I have carefully read this “Waiver of and Release of Liability” and fully know its contents.  I acknowledge that no other inducement, assurance, or guarantee has been made to me in consideration of my signing this agreement, which I sign voluntarily and of my own free will.



Sign:  ___________________________________             Date:  _______________


Witnessed by:  __________________________________             Date:  _______________




















Range Rules and Etiquette


You and your guests must adhere to the “Treat, Keep, Never, Know” principles at all times, in the classroom and on the range.

 - Treat all firearms as if they are always loaded.

 - Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.

 - Never point or orient a firearm in any direction you do not intend to shoot.

 - Know your target and what lies between, beyond, and around it.


Initial:  __________


-Eye and hearing protection are required to be worn at all times while on the live fire range, unless specifically and directly instructed by range personnel or an Instructor to remove one or both.

-Close toed shoes must be worn at all times on the range.  Open toed shoes are not allowed on the range.

-Upon hearing the command “Cease Fire”, stop shooting immediately and await further instructions.

-Always follow the commands of your Instructor or range personnel.

-All firearms will remain cased until you are at your assigned shooting position.

-Do not uncase, manipulate, or load your firearms anywhere outside of your assigned shooting position.

-Firearms may only be loaded at your assigned shooting position.

-Only shoot at targets designated for you to engage.

-Hand to hand transfers of firearms between shooters and/or students are not permitted.  Firearms should be placed on the deck when switching between shooters.

-Firearms must be unloaded, in a stable position, with the bolt to the rear, oriented in a safe direction, before a shooter may depart from their position.

-Never move forward of the firing positions unless specifically instructed by range personnel to do so.

-Firearms cleaning and maintenance is not permitted on the range unless otherwise directed by range personnel or an Instructor.

-Only authorized targets are permitted at the range.  A shooter desiring to bring their own target must clear it with range personnel prior to arriving at the range.

-Never pick up items that have fallen under or forward of the shooting positions, platforms, bench, or barricades.

-Once firearms are uncased, properly oriented, and in the safe position as specified above, the case itself may be moved to a clear area behind the firing line.


Initial:  __________


-Smoking is not allowed on the range.

-You are not permitted to handle firearms or ammunition at the range after consuming anything, legal or illegal, that may impair your ability to safely participate in shooting instruction or activities.

-The range personnel and Instructors reserve the right to refuse further training and participation if they detect alcohol, drugs, or observe behavior consistent with someone under the influence of a controlled substance.

-Pregnant women may not use the range.  If someone chooses to ignore this policy or fails to disclose that they are pregnant, intentionally or unintentionally, they do so at their own risk.  The range and Instructors take no responsibility for any health complications that may arise for the pregnant person or baby.

-Persons with poor health or seizure disorders may not use the range, without a specific release from their physician.  They then do so at their own risk.  The range and Instructors take no responsibility for any health complications that may arise for that person.

-It is your responsibility to ensure you comply with local, state, and federal firearms and firearms related equipment possession, transportation, and use laws and ordinances.

-Do not leave the firing line with an uncased firearm that has not been checked by range personnel or an Instructor.

-Repeat safety violators or egregious single event safety violators who refuse to correct the unsafe behavior or reject the appropriate corrective training will be required to leave the range, without a return of fees.

-Always ask for assistance if you are unsure how to safely operate a firearm.  We are happy and honored to show or demonstrate any skill or activity that increases your safety knowledge and skill level.

-All persons on the range will demonstrate safe firearms handling practices prior to the commencement of shooting activities or drills.

-All firearms and ammunition are subject to inspection.  The range and Instructors reserve the right to refuse the presence or use of any firearm or munition at their sole discretion.

-The use of belted magnum and extremely large calibers must be cleared by range personnel or Instructors prior to their use.

-The range is designed for precision rifles of all types.  The range does not support and therefore does not allow the use of pistols or shotguns.

-Air rifles, including BB guns, are permitted on the range.

-Black powder and muzzle loading firearms may be permitted, if cleared through range personnel or Instructors prior to their use.

-Automatic and NFA firearms may be permitted on the range, if cleared prior to their use by range personnel or Instructors, provided they comply with all local, state, and federal laws.  You will be asked and should be prepared to show the appropriate paperwork on NFA items.


Initial:  __________


-No tracers, incendiary, gas, exploding, rocket propelled, or otherwise destructive or ridiculous ammunition or munitions are allowed on the range.

-No armor piercing or steel core ammunition is allowed.  If a magnet sticks to the bullet, it is not permitted.

-Non-factory reloads may be permitted if cleared with range personnel or Instructors prior to their use and are subject to chronograph verification for speed.

-If you are a student in a course who has been provided a rifle for your use, you may only use the ammunition provided with that firearm.

-You may keep your brass, if you so desire.  Brass will be collected from those who do not desire to keep their own.  Brass from ammunition provided to shooters will be retained by the range.

-Factory reloaded or “seconds” ammunition is permitted, provided it complies with other restrictions above.


Initial:  __________


-If you experience a firearm or ammunition malfunction that you cannot resolve, place the firearm on the deck, in the safest condition you can make it, and notify range personnel or an Instructor.

-All negligent discharges must be reported immediately.

-You must be (18) eighteen years of age to shoot on the range and/or attend a course as an adult.  Participants under the age of (18) eighteen may be permitted to shoot and/or participate in a course, if accompanied by a parent or legal guardian of adult age.

-Participants under the age of (9) nine are not allowed on the range and/or in the courses.

-We recommend washing your hands often, especially after firing a rifle.

-Participants who desire to wear a mask are permitted to do so.

-We recommend going home after our training course or range visit.  Vary your routes and be aware of your surroundings.

-Never leave a firearm in your vehicle unsecured and/or unattended.

-You are financially responsible for any damage caused by you, your child, or your guest(s).  This includes damage, intentional or accidental, to range structures, equipment, or other property at the range.


Initial:  __________


Definition of a “Prohibited Person” as defined by The Gun Control Act of 1968 and codified in Title 18 USC Section 922 prohibits the possession of a firearm by anyone who is:


 - convicted in any court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year;

 - that is a fugitive from justice;

 - unlawfully using or addicted to any controlled substance;

 - adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to any mental institution;

 - an illegal alien;

 - who has been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions;

 - that has renounced his or her United States citizenship;

 - subject to a court order restraining the person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner or child of the intimate partner; or convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.


I understand the definition of “Prohibited Person” as it pertains to possession of a firearm and swear and attest that I am in compliance with both federal and Texas State Law.


Initial:  __________


I am not now, nor have I recently been, depressed, had feelings or thoughts of suicide, or suffer from any form of Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome that may be cause for concern regarding my use of a firearm.  I understand it is my sole responsibility to notify the range personnel or an Instructor if this changes.


Initial:  __________


I have carefully read the “Range Rules and Etiquette” and fully know its contents.  I acknowledge that no other inducement, assurance, or guarantee has been made to me in consideration of my signing this agreement, which I sign voluntarily and of my own free will.



Sign:  ___________________________________             Date:  _______________


Witnessed by:  __________________________________             Date:  ____________ review icon

Reviews video icon
