ASHI/NASAR Certification Training

Find courses to become medically trained and certified by American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI) and National Association for Search and Rescue (NASAR) on

ASHI Certification

ASHI offers various certifications, including CPR and AED, Emergency Medical Responder, Basic Life Support, and Advanced Cardiac Life Support.

Their certifications are generally accepted in place of similar ones given by American Red Cross and American Heart Association.

NASAR Certification

For decades, the National Association For Search And Rescue has offered a variety of training courses and certifications. 

NASAR courses include:

  • Introduction to Search and Rescue
  • Fundamentals of Search and Rescue
  • Advanced Search and Rescue
  • Urban Search and Rescue
  • Wilderness Emergency Care
  • Managing Lost Person Incidents
  • Tracking


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Most classes use a Pistol unless otherwise specified.

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