Firearm Training Oklahoma
Find Oklahoma Firearms Training Locations
One of our main goals at is to connect gun owners with local Oklahoma firearms training experts. That’s why we’ve created the simple-to-use shooting class search feature below.
Easily find firearms training in Oklahoma:
- To find local Oklahoma gun classes, simply type your ZIP code in the search box below. You’ll quickly see available training courses near your hometown.
- Use our filters to expand your search. Classes range from basic, intermediate, advanced, or CCW (concealed carry courses designed to teach you how to get a concealed carry permit in Oklahoma).
- Click on the “More Filters” text to filter your classes even further. Under the “More Filters” tab, you’ll find virtual simulation courses, women’s only courses, and courses specific to firearm type, such as rifle, shotgun, or long-range precision.
Make the most of your Oklahoma gun classes with a personal profile:
When you create a personal profile, you’ll get even more out of your class. In your profile, you can keep track of the courses you’ve completed and record the unique skills you’ve mastered. You can even add personal goals and share your progress with family members and friends!
Continue learning with our educational resources:
Our firearm experts have created a student-focused blog to answer some of your most frequently asked questions. On the blog, you’ll find real-life stories, tactical experiences and advice, and countless tips and tricks for all different kinds of firearms.
When it comes to your personal safety and protection, don’t wait. Sign up for firearm training in Oklahoma today. Find Oklahoma gun training courses by using our local search feature below.
105 classes found in Oklahoma:
Personal Protection In The Home, Student Course
Ochelata Sportsman Club in Ochelata, OK
Sweet Shot Firearms, LLC - Kara Romine
NRA Personal Protection Outside The Home, Student
Ochelata Sportsman Club in Ochelata, OK
Sweet Shot Firearms, LLC - Kara Romine
NRA Personal Protection Outside Home, Instructor
Ochelata Sportsman Club in Ochelata, OK
Sweet Shot Firearms, LLC - Kara Romine
Personal Protection In The Home - Instructor
Ochelata Sportsman Club in Ochelata, OK
Sweet Shot Firearms, LLC - Kara Romine
NRA Instructor Rifle Shooting Course
Ochelata Sportsman Club in Ochelata, OK
Sweet Shot Firearms, LLC - Kara Romine
NRA Instructor Shotgun Shooting Course
Ochelata Sportsman Club in Ochelata, OK
Sweet Shot Firearms, LLC - Kara Romine
HOSTED: Pistol Essentials and BEYOND
Oklahoma City Gun Club in Arcadia, OK
The Complete Combatant - Brian Hill
(SDA) Concealed Carry Class $75.00
in Oklahoma, OK
T.A.C. Training Assessment Cell - T.A.C. training cell