Kentucky Concealed Carry Classes

Easily Find Kentucky CCW classes

Looking to attain your concealed carry permit? Protecting yourself and your family is important. That’s why we’ve created a search tool to help you find nearby Kentucky concealed carry classes. Enroll in a course today to learn all about conflict avoidance, conflict resolution, and federal and state laws concerning firearms and conceal carry.

Getting started

Getting started is as easy as typing in 5 numbers. Seriously. Simply type in your ZIP code in the box below and you’ll quickly see courses available in your area.

Click on the course name to see pricing, instructor information, and dates available. Then navigate the tabs within the course to find additional information like course requirements, topics covered, and a description of what you will learn.

Enroll in a Kentucky concealed carry class

When you’ve found the perfect concealed carry class in Kentucky, click on the red “register now” button. Enter your information directly on the form or create a student profile to get started.

The student profile not only makes registering a breeze, it also tracks the courses you’ve completed and keeps a list of the skills you’ve mastered. Share this information with fellow classmates or use your personalized link to share your accomplishments with your friends and family on social media.

Don’t wait another second. Find Kentucky CCW classes near your hometown and learn how to protect your family. Enter your ZIP code below to get started.

1 class found in Kentucky:

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