Long Range Precision Shooting Courses

Interested in long range shooting courses and precision rifle training classes? Start here. Long range shooting is about shooting accuracy over distances of 300 to 1200 (or more) yards, and it requires knowing how to use a scope and calculate wind speed, among other factors.

Learn the fundamentals of long range shooting, including:

  • How to get started with long range shooting
  • How to improve your shooting technique
  • How to choose the right weapon and equipment for your ideal setup
  • The best caliber of ammunition for long range shooting
  • How to modify your setup for success
  • Plus practical experience including testing your setup and improving your skill

Long range shooting training will improve your marksmanship and teach you to shoot with precision. You’ll gain knowledge about the calculations necessary to hit your target at long range and how those calculations will differ depending on a variety of factors.

With long range rifle training, you also learn everything you need to know about choosing the different components for an effective setup, including optics, bipods, meters, and accessories.

Find a long range shooting or precision rifle training class below.



Most classes use a Pistol unless otherwise specified.

Specialties / Other

Advanced Courses
Non-Live Fire

Sport Shooting

13 classes found:

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