Jonathan D. Low

Phone: +1 (615) 372-9627 cell
Radio: KI4SDN
Pistol training credentials:
NRA Advanced Pistol Instructor
(also Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, Personal Protection, and CCW).
Front Sight Firearms Institute, Line Coach (handgun). No longer in business.
Rangemaster Firearms Training Services, Instructor (pistol).
Defense Training International, Instructor (pistol).
Tennessee Handgun Instructor.
South Carolina Concealed Weapons Permit Instructor.
Riflery Coach Level 3 NRA / CMP / USA Shooting.
Retired from:
U.S. Marine Corps, 1981-1985 active, 1985-2014 reserve.
Lockheed Martin, software engineer.
K - 12 Punahou School, Honolulu, HI.
Matriculated, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University in NY.
B.S. Mathematics, School of Arts and Sciences, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
M.S. Geophysics, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawaii.
Post Grad Certificate (Computer Science), University of California, Santa Cruz.
Various math and computer sci classes taken from College of Charleston in SC and the Citadel.
Attend a conference such as Tac Con, Guardian, etc. at least once a year.
Attend at least one firearms / self-defense class a year as a paying student.
Calculus at Burlington County College in NJ; Adjunct Prof.
Physics at Trident Technical College, Charleston, SC; Adjunct Prof.
Physics at Middle Tennessee State University, Adjunct Prof.
I teach about 3 Defensive Pistol classes a year. (20 hours theory, 20 hours practicum,
8 hours Law of Self Defense by Andrew Branca, 16 hours Tactical Emergency Casualty Care by Tracey Mendenhall, tactical scenarios by shooting an IDPA or IPSC match)
(Ya, I know a lot of the names have changed, but that's what they were called when I was there.)