Steps to Prepare for Firearm Training

Author: Bruce Corey
What are the steps you can take to prepare for firearm training? Read these common questions (and answers) asked by new gun owners seeking firearms training.…
Author: Bruce Corey
What are the steps you can take to prepare for firearm training? Read these common questions (and answers) asked by new gun owners seeking firearms training.…
Author: Bill Orndorf
Wonder about gun training classes cost? How much does a CCW license cost so you can carry a firearm? Find out why the answers are a bit complicated.…
Author: Dave "Boon" Benton
At ShootingClasses.com the highest percentage of classes students register for are Concealed Carry Weapons Permit classes. Many students who register for these classes do not even own a firearm or have any prior training, yet they want to have a permit to carry.…
Author: Deron M. Boring
The phrase, “Stand your ground” is deceptive and misleading. More accurate terminology is “duty to retreat”, or better said, “the removal of the duty to retreat.” Learn more about the importance of having a clear understanding of what it means to act in self-defense…
Author: Keith Kolb
For anyone who has attended my concealed carry class, you may have heard me discuss a real-life story about a local Albuquerque man named Charles Baca. I use this scenario as an example to review the four rules for the use of deadly force.…
Author: Joel Gaines
Firearms instructors commonly hear the phrase, “I’ve been around guns since I was a kid,” when they ask students about their firearms experience. Unfortunately, that particular response doesn’t tell us much. Discover some new questions to ask to assess skill level.…
Author: Cameron Poter
Interested in 3-gun competitions? The phrase “3-gun” refers to the three separate firearms used in different stages throughout the match. Learn all about 3-gun competitions in this helpful guide for beginners.…
Author: Paul Grossman
What is an active shooter? An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area. The main objective of an active shooter killer is…
Author: Bruce Corey
We realize that reaching students through marketing is the life blood of running a firearms training business. Read part 1 on how to improve your marketing.…
Author: Martin "Marty" Castellanos
As firearms instructors, we want the best setting and the right tools so that our shooters can learn. Read about Marty Castellanos teaching experiences.…