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Joel Gaines

Joel Gaines

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Joel is a former US Army NCO and combat veteran. He is currently a firearms trainer in multiple weapons disciplines and TECC skills. Joel speaks fluent Russian, having worked in the military and other agencies for several years as a Russian-area specialist.

Joel approaches firearms instruction as a passion and mission to help people protect each other without being a danger to themselves and bystanders. He says, "A good guy with a gun is best when their training at least matches their good intentions. Intentions alone get good people hurt." 

Determining a Student’s Firearms Training Needs

Determining a Student’s Firearms Training Needs

Firearms instructors commonly hear the phrase, “I’ve been around guns since I was a kid,” when they ask students about their firearms experience. Unfortunately, that particular response doesn’t tell us much. Discover some new questions to ask to assess skill level.…

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