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Martin "Marty" Castellanos

Martin "Marty" Castellanos

Martin "Marty" Castellanos photo

Martin D. Castellanos, USCG (ret.), is a former federal law enforcement trainer, a twenty-year veteran at a South Florida police department, and the founder of UMTC. He has been instructing law enforcement officers since 1995 and firearms students since 2000. His students have included local police, federal and foreign law enforcement officers, U.S. military personnel, and allied nation personnel.

Remembering an Old Shooter: Russell J. Bubello

Remembering an Old Shooter: Russell J. Bubello

If I had to choose one word to describe Russ, it would be “Classic”- in every way. He was a grouchy tattooed sailor, a streetwise veteran cop, an old-fashioned barber, and a mustached American Shooter of Irish and Italian descent.…

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