Are You an Active Participant in Your Own Rescue? (Part 2)

Author: Bruce Corey
Firearms students need continuous training for as long as they own a firearm. Learn about this, common misconceptions about owning a firearm, and more.…
Author: Bruce Corey
Firearms students need continuous training for as long as they own a firearm. Learn about this, common misconceptions about owning a firearm, and more.…
Author: Sean Gharabaghli
There are many misconceptions about what a concealed carry permit is and what is permissible by law. There are also pros and cons. Learn more.…
Author: Bruce Corey
Many firearms students like to share their shooting experiences through social media. Find out how you can create and share a ShootingClasses.com profile.…
Author: Bruce Corey
You have to be honest with yourself if you're ready for a CCW license. Here are 6 steps you should take as a new gun owner wanting to get your CCW license.…
Author: Joel Gaines
Some people take the safety myth even further by sticking the gun box and all, in a closet. The mystical power that emanates from a closeted gun is definitely a wonder.…
Author: Staff Reviews
The Dry Fire Pro Timer from Morgan Timing Systems, LLC is designed to track your weapons manipulations so you can improve your speed. Find out how it works and what we thought in this post.…
Author: Tara Dixon Engel
If you’re a woman and new to firearms, there’s a good chance people have definitive opinions about the type of gun you should carry. Here's why they're wrong.…
Author: Dave "Boon" Benton
Don't take the local four-hour concealed weapons permit course and think you'll be prepared to defend yourself and your family. It's important to understand the phases of Defensive Firearms Training, which properly prepare you to be competent and safe.…