Steps to Prepare for Firearm Training

Author: Bruce Corey
What are the steps you can take to prepare for firearm training? Read these common questions (and answers) asked by new gun owners seeking firearms training.…
Author: Bruce Corey
What are the steps you can take to prepare for firearm training? Read these common questions (and answers) asked by new gun owners seeking firearms training.…
Author: Bill Orndorf
Wonder about gun training classes cost? How much does a CCW license cost so you can carry a firearm? Find out why the answers are a bit complicated.…
Author: Dave "Boon" Benton
At ShootingClasses.com the highest percentage of classes students register for are Concealed Carry Weapons Permit classes. Many students who register for these classes do not even own a firearm or have any prior training, yet they want to have a permit to carry.…
Author: Deron M. Boring
The phrase, “Stand your ground” is deceptive and misleading. More accurate terminology is “duty to retreat”, or better said, “the removal of the duty to retreat.” Learn more about the importance of having a clear understanding of what it means to act in self-defense…
Author: Paul Grossman
What is an active shooter? An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area. The main objective of an active shooter killer is…
Author: Keith Kolb
Keith Kolb breaks down the classes you should take based on what you want to learn, whether you're brand new to shooting or a life-long gun owner. Read more.…
Author: Bill Orndorf
Many people bought guns when the coronavirus pandemic first started. Is your shooting range prepared to train them? Find out how we can help your process.…
Author: Bruce Corey
Before getting into a discussion on preventing negligent discharges, let’s make a clear distinction between Negligent Discharge and Accidental Discharge.…
Author: Sean Gharabaghli
When you get your CCW permit and start carrying a firearm, you have to start dressing differently in order to properly conceal it. Get tips on the blog.…
Author: Dave "Boon" Benton
Watch Dave "Boon" Benton describe the three phases of firearms training and how ShootingClasses.com helps firearms students find all levels of shooting instructors.…