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What Effect Does COVID-19 Have on Shooting Ranges?

Bill Orndorf photo

Author: Bill Orndorf

What Effect Does COVID-19 Have on Shooting Ranges? is the go-to site that assists firearms instructors with the administrative aspects of their business and for students to find shooting lessons. Recently, we rolled out our platform to shooting range owners. They can now focus on sales and in-person services, while does the heavy lifting of customer tracking, sign-ups and payments around the clock with our fully automated process.

As the country starts showing signs of coming out of the coronavirus pandemic, many of you will experience a big surge in first-time gun owners wanting to train with the firearms they panic-bought. These buyers were completely unprepared for a pandemic, and they found solace in going out to buy a firearm. Yet all of us in the industry know that true security is found in “never the tool but a competent carpenter.”

After this national nightmare, many of these new gun owners will seek training so they can be more prepared to use their firearms. People who are properly trained react differently in a crisis. We believe your shooting range’s training division will be offering them peace of mind, so the lost and scared feelings they had at the start of this crisis never return.

We, as an industry, can make a difference going forward. We can now train a whole new customer base that was forced into our channel by this invisible enemy. We can also improve the skills of our current customers. In a large part, we feel this firearms training is going to be handled en masse by the range owners and their staffs.

At, we realize that time is money. Employees are more valuable when selling or doing the actual training instead of all the administrative work. Paperwork, rosters, payments, email and text reminders, and customer tracking steal your staff’s time when it could be better used in other areas. That’s where can help.

If you are interested in knowing more about how we can help you and your staff become more efficient – saving you time and increasing sales – learn more about the full breadth of capabilities we offer.

We are all in this together, and together we will come out of this. God bless every American, and god bless the United States of America.

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