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Create a Profile to Share Firearms Classes Progress with Friends

Bruce Corey photo

Author: Bruce Corey

Create a Profile to Share Firearms Classes Progress with Friends

First, we hope your experience with has been positive.’s objective is to provide firearms students with an easy means to find instructors near them, whether it’s locally or across the nation if you happen to be traveling and are looking for classes in other locations. We make it easy for you to find and compare instructor’ bios, background and credentials; learn about their courses and class details; and then sign up for firearms training.

Screenshot of the Shooting Classes Find a Class page

But did you know there is more for you on We want your experience to be productive, educational and fun.

Your Public Profile & Shooting Classes History

Many students like to share their shooting experiences through social media and with friends and family. On, you have your own personal “Public Profile” that can be shared via a web link we call your “Vanity URL.”

Sharing your Vanity URL lets friends see your:

  • Profile picture
  • Profile information
  • Content you would like to share
  • Class history
  • Training Goals

Example of Shooting Classes student profile page

When you’re signed into your profile, you can select which information you want to share or keep private.

Student profile options when signed in

Create Personal Training Goals

We are commonly asked what classes a student should take after a Basic or CCW permit class or when looking for advanced training. This is a great question, because we strongly believe training is a continuous process. Our motto is: Always a Student. When you stop learning, your skills will degrade.

The path you take next will depend on your goals – personal or home defense, sport, competition, or other interests.

Regardless of objectives, virtually all individuals share a common desire to protect themselves and their families. For this reason, we have provided an initial “Goal” for Defensive Training. Since course titles vary greatly from instructor to instructor, we have created recommended steps or milestones to look for within a course when searching classes to meet a training goal.

As you take classes, you can keep track of completed milestones and your progress in achieving each step of the training Goal.

We realize many of you would like to see additional goals created for other shooting disciplines. Please contact us to let us know your goals so we can create additional checklists.

Get Started

If you haven’t yet joined, sign up now. Then fill out your profile and search for classes near you. And be sure to share your progress with friends via your unique profile URL.

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