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Why Is It Important to Get Firearms Training?

Sean Gharabaghli photo

Author: Sean Gharabaghli

Why Is It Important to Get Firearms Training?

There are three reasons why it is important to get firearms training. The first reason is safety and personal protection, the second is education, and the third is learning the fundamentals. Every day, we are bombarded with misinformation both intentional and unintentional. For the average person, it’s hard to know what the facts are, based on news, television, movies and social media. It can be difficult to see through the hurricane of information.

Safety and education are synonymous with each other, and some might argue that they are one in the same. However, I beg to differ. I could tell a student everything they need to know about a firearm, but as soon as I ask them to pick up a firearm, the majority of the time their finger immediately finds the trigger. This happens before any other safety violations, which is why I argue firearm safety is first and separate from education.

So why does it seem so natural for people to pick up a gun and instantly put their finger on the trigger? It could be a natural reaction when picking up an item, related to reflexes or ergonomics. But there is still something else that could be a factor: TV and movies. For example, look at any movie poster with the hero holding a gun.

Movie poster example 01   Movie poster example 02   Movie poster example 03

Above, you’ll see a finger on the trigger in each example.

Almost every character posing with a gun in a movie poster will have their finger on the trigger. This also happens in the movie itself when they muzzle everyone and have their finger on the trigger. Everything we see in the media might subconsciously influence us. But this is just my opinion, and there are many other factors. This leads us to the second reason why it’s important to get training.

The second reason is education. Students need to learn about the operation, functions and parts of firearms. This will dispel any myths or misconceptions about firearms. Every gun is different, so learning the operation and functions will help the student safely use the firearm. Setting the expectations of use and capabilities of firearms is important. We can help students choose the right firearm to fit their needs, such as shooting sports or hunting. I always like to say, “You don’t know… what you don’t know… until you know it.”

The third reason it’s important to get training is to learn the fundamentals. The fundamentals of shooting any firearm will improve accuracy and situational awareness as students advance their training. The fundamentals can also reset yourself, undoing any training scars and get you back on the right path. Maintaining accurate shots increases safety; remember that every bullet is the shooter’s responsibility, so they must have responsible gun ownership. Stray shots or ricochets can be dangerous or cause property damage. Know your target and what’s beyond it.

Taking a firearms training course will bring this together and show how Safety, Education, and Fundamentals reinforce each other throughout training. Safety governs Education and Fundamentals. Safety and Education help with learning the Fundamentals. Fundamentals are the foundation of the biomechanics of shooting and operating a firearm. Get training! Thanks for reading.

How much does gun training cost? It’s hard to put a price tag on your safety!

Hopefully, you’re now asking yourself, “Where can I find firearm classes near me?” Good news! You can search our database of firearms classes and instructors.

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