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Bruce Corey

Bruce Corey

Bruce Corey photo

Bruce is a recently retired professional with a strong passion for sport shooting who has partnered with a former Deputy Sheriff and a retired Infantry Marine as founders of

Together they have recognized a need to support shooting instructors looking to grow their business and profitability by marketing to targeted individuals interested in learning or improving their shooting skills through social media.

How do you rate yourself as an instructor?

How do you rate yourself as an instructor?

To help other firearms instructors, I put together a list of the best class attributes I’ve experienced during my training and continued learning. Take a look at them to see how your class structure compares, and consider implementing the ones you feel are relevant.…

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How to Use Your Instructor URL

How to Use Your Instructor URL

When you register as an instructor with, one of the many benefits is an instructor URL. This web address, which links to your instructor profile on, is a versatile marketing tool for your business.…

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Marketing Your Firearms Instructor Business

Marketing Your Firearms Instructor Business

Running a successful firearms instructor business is about more than just your ability to hit the mark out at the range. It’s about hitting the target with your marketing efforts as well. Unless you can make people aware of your business, even the best instruction will ultimately go to waste.…

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How to Become a Firearms Instructor

How to Become a Firearms Instructor

Becoming a firearms instructor is one of the most rewarding steps any gun enthusiast can take. Sure, you’ll gain the ability to provide yourself with an additional stream of income. And depending on your level of commitment, you can even turn firearms instruction into a full-time career. But more than that, you’ll have a chance to help gun enthusiasts of all levels become safer, more confident and highly skilled in the use of firearms.…

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